Our Services
The legal department provides specialist maritime law case handling in all Caribbean jurisdictions from our head office in Barbados, as well as the Trinidad and ABC Islands offices, with unique knowledge and experience of proceedings in English, French, Dutch and Spanish speaking jurisdictions.
Our ship and cargo survey services are managed from Barbados and performed in-house through our ABC Islands/St. Maarten, Guyana, Jamaica and Suriname offices with resident surveyors throughout the Caribbean, and through our Vancouver, B.C., office.
People Care
The People Care Team is based in Barbados with additional personnel in Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and on location support throughout the region and through our Vancouver, B.C., office.
We are listed Correspondent for all International Group P&I Clubs, as well as Commercial P&I and H&M insurance underwriters, variously in all main offices and in other locations throughout the Caribbean and at our Vancouver, B.C., office.